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[the facts]
January 26, 2003 - 3:00 pm

alrighty. i wrote out some random things about myself. this was just one sitting. once i have time to do more sitting, i will post more. and then maybe some random pictures of things going on in my life. that would be tight.
so here goes:

+ i'm obsessed with sharpie markers and the power they have to write on anything, and everything i could ever imagine.
+ i like wearing sweaters.
+ i own upwards of 18 pairs of shoes.
+ i hardly ever throw anything away because i have some weird delusion that i will need said 'thing' sometime in the future. though i never do.
+ i never remember meeting people. and so i get really embarrased when i dont recognize someone and i introduce myself and they're like, 'uhhm, i met you last night'
+ i collect small, cute things i.e.: mini soda cans, silverware, and shot glasses that look like mini versions of bigger glasses.
+ i am officially a science nerd.
+ i have a pillow with a banana on it
+ i just learned yesterday that there were only two N's in 'banana'
+ i HATE calling people that i dont know. in fact, its more of a fear than a dislike
+ i am intimidated by most people older than me.
+ if it's offensive, i'll probably laugh at it.
+ i have this horrible habit of not doing laundry for two weeks and then when i finally do its like, complete laundry overload... and chaos ensues.
+ i am one of the most optimistic people i've ever met.
+ i don't drink alcohol
+ i don't eat any meat except for chicken and occasionally turkey- and i'm even trying to get away from that.
+ no matter the temperature, i can always go for a slurpee
+ FUCK. i forget how to speak spanish. i took ap spanish grammar last year and spent 5 weeks in spain after 9th grade and now i forget most of it!!!
+ i have the worst short term memory. which is not helped by
+ the not-so-insane-but-still-pretty-good amount of weed i smoke every weekend (almost).
+ i put all these posters and magazine ads up on my walls in 7th grade and i haven't changed any of it since.
+ i learn things pretty easily and it stuns people
+ drop bush, not bombs
+ i love ska. and punk/ska. oh god. wow.
+ i wish i could be in a ska band.
+ nobody else likes ska.
+ that's enough about ska.
+ i wear a different button to school every day.
+ i get crushes on people like there's no tomorrow.
+ i don't really eat a lot. lately i've been forgetting.
+ i still sleep with a blanket =o0
+ i don't wash my pants. well, i guess eventually i spill coke or spagetti sauce on all of them...so it becomes inevitable. but i like to avoid it, because you know, they just get so....good.
+ i have gotten only one B- in high school. fucking chem study...
+ i still love "AHHH! real monsters"
+ and "roundhouse". but nobody ever remembers those shows.
+ i cry at EVERY movie. name one, i dare you. and even if i haven't seen it, i've probably cried about it
+ oh yeah, i'm extremely emotional
+ but its probably just PMS
+ ok yeah, what the fuck is up with people (guys) who can't even hear the word 'period' without freaking out?+ i have a bunk bed but only one person has ever slept up there. and i've had the bed since 5th grade.
+ i cannot stop using the word 'tight'...so i'm just gonna roll with it.
+ i own at least 7 different pairs of penguin socks.
+ i like making people feel happy
+ i give compliments when they are due
+ i loooove breyers mint chocolate chip ice cream. and only breyers. it has easy to read ingredients.
+ stuffed crust pizza makes me sick.
+ nothing makes me happier than to see people enjoying my music.
+ i'm going to a prom next week and wearing a strapless dress. its 20 degrees here.
+ when i'm bored, entropy ensues and i take lots of digital pictures of myself. ask me why that is the result of entropy and i wont tell you. because i made it up. purplemonkeydishwasher.
+ i have this big, stupid, neon pink, retard fish in my room. it has one tooth. it's my friend.
+ i like wearing suspenders.
+ and finally, my favorite thing in the world:
+ i LOVE (in capital letters!) free stuff. its amazing.
+ and for now, thats all. with our powers combined we are....going to bake a cake!

later guys.

thanks for listening.

batman (0 so far)

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