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[kiss me, kate]
April 27, 2002 - 12:14 am

seeing as i loove this new background so much, i will just have to write more in this thing.

today was interesting. but sort of in that 'not' kinda way. nothing at school. there were student council elections. i feel really bad. becca's lifelong dream (litterally) has been to become president of her school. today, Wei won the election. i think that for a brief period she was inconsolable... well, i voted for her.

i had no practice today. it was beautiful. the day was so nice. and of course i came home and watched a movie. moulin rouge. my god. i have never felt so much inside of me while watching a movie. it was so wierd and so incredible and so sad and so amazing...that its almost indescribable. if i ever see you in person, ask me about it...

i. hate. my. dogs. tonite, while i was at the musical, they opened the door to my room, opened a drawer in my desk, and ate the entire contents. which just happened to be a whole bunch of candy. then, realizing that i must have actually wanted that candy, they proceeded to throw it back up. on the rug. and the couch. but luckily, not my room.

there is no real reason for keeping them around!! stupid dogs....

the musical really was good. nellie was incredible. so was daniel. and ashley. that would be daniel strauss, mind you. i dont really root for Lipton, hes more of an 'alphamale', if you know what i mean.

i must arise at 7.30 tomorrow morning. things are looking grim.

apparently christmas is in april tomorrow.



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