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[i win]
May 01, 2002 - 6:52 pm

we beat sidwell.

fuck yes.

anyways, it wasnt so much of an ass-kicking as it was 1-0 but, im still really really really happy. we are now first place in the league. shoutouts to all of you who thought of me today at 4.00 ; )

now we just have to beat NCS tomorrow, Saints on monday, and Flint Hill on tuesday. no problem.

i actually have been really focused lately during games. i like this. i think i play better and can even control my anger/upset-ness better. yes!!

ok, i am stupid. today i burned myself. and it wasnt quite in a valiant effort to save someone from a burning building either... me and mike, laura, and chloe were sitting in the caf after school eating her pan of brownies, which happened to come with candles..and matches. so being the cool kid i am, i decided to play with the matches. i lit a few and the last time, i thought it would be so fun to put it out with my fingers (as id seen all the cool people do in movies and such). so i almost did it once, and after failing i of course tried again. but the second time as i was putting it out, the head of the match (still burning of course) came off the matchstick and stuck to my thumb (yet, still burning). and so, it hurt alot. now i have a blister. ahhh. that was a really long story. phew.

i must go eat dumplings now.

see ya.

batman (0 so far)

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