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[everyone else is at the SAT's.]
May 04, 2002 - 11:19 am


im happy, though it hasnt really hit me yet.

i watched "Requiem for a Dream" last night amidst talking on the phone at 1am. so i watched it without the sound. it was still amazing. there were a couple of gross parts, and i think it was the edited version for some strange reason. oh well. i will definetly rent it so i can 'delve into its inner workings' or whatnot (or basically just figure out what the fuck was going on).


the lafayette spring fair is today. i think im going to go, but i really dont want to go alone... these things are all about impression. i havent gone to lafayette in 5 years, and now that im doing well in my 'new life', i need to show it off. or something. just let the people see that what i left lafayette as has completely left me. i am different. and i am happy. and i am lucky. and i am doing so well. so in- your- face, lafayette. what now!

maybe ill make laura dally go with me....

im going to play mini golf today!! yes! it will be wonderful. ooooh. and...the dollar store!

well now im really excited.

see you later.

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