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[curse you cap'n]
May 15, 2002 - 11:52 pm

i really really need to stop eating this damn cereal. just listen to this: its, cap'n crunch's choco donuts crunchy chocolate flavored cereal with sprinkles. my dad bought two boxes tonite at the grocery store...i was pretty grossed out by it then, but now im thinking they put nicotine in it or something. i just cant stop.

i also meant to write a lot more on that last journal entry. like for instance, how during the blackout i went into the bathroom (flashlight and all) in the pitch dark and proceeded to flick on the lightswitch...

anyways, i have driving lessons everyday after school this week. and next. and next. grrrr. but officer wilson is awesome. im just thinking that hes going to tell me the exact same stories tomorrow as he did today..he just seems like that kind of guy. but i will remember this..'always jump at opportunities when they fall into your lap' he couldnt emphasize that enough.

i need sleep. i have so much coming up its rediculous.


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