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[gonna make a change, and i starting with me]
May 29, 2002 - 3:20 pm

im officially 16.5 today. i dont really feel older. i actually feel younger seeing as i had to go to the DMV and trade in my illegal provisional liscence for a learners permit. its sad. but i will only have it until 6am tomorrow. then i will feel older. i am finally finally getting my drivers liscence. ever since i was 8 ive been obsessed with driving. i would count down the years. and i specificallly remember saying 'only six years left' (that being my 10th birthday).

i had one of the weirder afternoons of my career today. let me just put it this way, i went out to lunch at sammy's, a $5.99 chinese/american food buffet restaurant located on new york ave (downtown somewheres) with amy byers and officer wilson. need i say more? negative.

my bio exam was totally not bad. i however didnt know anything about photosynthesis and completely (and really completely) bullshit (is that the past tense?) the entire section. i thought it was really great how he included many of the answers to 'preliminary'(for lack of a better word) questions in the multiple choice section. this definetly helped my grade. it went well. but whenever ive said that in the past referring to bio, it never has come out that way. but i literally smiled when i was finished. yay. one down. one (and three page paper) to go.

right now im sitting outside trying to rid my upper body of this horrible horrible sports bra/wife beater tan. it just really doesnt look so good with a strapless dress.. ive got a week to change it. but the sun went away...and my arms are so much tanner than every other part of my body. ararar.

i listened to the entire system of a down cd yesterday. i couldnt help myself. hot damn. its so good. i want to be their drummer. i also dont like how the radio plays new found glory now. it makes me sad. theyre mine! i dont want stupid teeny bopper fuckheads screwing with them. ugh.

i heard caroline and hugh had sex last weekend. they sure are moving fast. man. now theres a mental picture i dont want.

ohh math will be the death of me.




its all right

i will have my drivers liscence tomorrow


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