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[i have the most awkward sun burn on my stomach.]
June 02, 2002 - 10:29 pm

you realize it is really summer when you lose track of which day of the week it is. this has finally kicked in for me. i am ecstatic (if you couldnt tell).

well i took SATII's on saturday. my god. they were so hard. so hard. most of the stuff on the bio one we had never learned before. ugh. and i skipped 10 full (out of 50) problems on the math section. and thats all i have to say about that.

i have managed to get so little sleep lately. its so not fun. wednesday i got up at 7.45 for my exam. thursday i got up at 5.45 to go to the DMV. friday i got up at 8.30 because i had a ton of work to do before my exam. saturday i got up at 7 for the SATIIs. today i got up at 6.15 for my softball game. i dont know what is going to happen to me..........

i realized last night at thea, heather, allie, and susans party how much i am going to miss my senior friends (mainly karly and thea). everybody was acting like last night was the last night they were going to see each other. they played 'lean on me' as the last song and the dj was like, 'just remember to keep in touch with your old friends, its really easy to lose contact.' and we were like, uhh, were going to see each other tomorrow. :(

oh my but will it be a sad goodbye...

a major highlight today: after band practice me and andy and jacob went back to jacobs house to chill. we cooked rainbow pasta. we played twister. we went on the roof! it was so wonderful. we also talked a lot. chill is really the only word i can think of that describes the time i had. it was great.

spoont. is really rockin these days. bam.

i am so tired i might pass out soon.

and thats a rap.

batman (0 so far)

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