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[thank you sweet thing]
June 19, 2002 - 5:48 pm

does anyone else think this is stupid:

"this exerpt is from a book by a Chinese American woman writer about Chinese American woman writers"

yeah, so, summer isnt too bad now. i feel fiercely independent being able to drive around after camp and shit. yay. im not really feeling anything too insightful right now. i think thats why im watching the movie 'the ladies man.' but seriously, its hilarious. laugh- out-loud funny. for real. you should all rent it. it will make you a better person. just for your enjoyment, heres a quote:

"i like to call this the palace because this is where the magic happens. the magic has happened once on that chair you're touching...ive performed the magic once in that wastepaper basket over there...and, oh, i had to have the magic cleaned out of these curtains..that was a long shot, yea.."

'youd think that a man who has done hundreds of ladies, many of whom he doesnt even remember, after this long will be given a lot of money which he doesnt have to work for'


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