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[well didnt this just turn into a lovely stream of consciousness]
June 20, 2002 - 11:16 pm

is it really necessary to turn on a blinker if you're in a left or right - turn only lane? how do cops manage to envoke so much fear in me whilst im driving? i think a kid in the oldest group at camp peed in his pants today. i found out Isabelle Liberman teaches for capital educators. and though she is not my teacher, she teaches the same period and on the same floor where i have my math class. i found it a little offensive,but highly amuzing that my math SAT teacher used the word 'retard' more than 6 times during class. it took 20 minutes for this pizza to get hot, and only 3 for it to get cold. i am leaving for virginia beach tomorrow at 4.30pm and havent started packing. i just heard my brothers friend shout, 'cock rocket!' i am so thirsty. if it were legal, id smack a lot of kids tomorrow at work. i still feel like david combs is a celebrity. haha, brookes mom is huge. i kinda called karly last saturday and havent spoken to her since. i still have charlies book award from when he won that award and they gave him a book at closing ceremonies. im really jealous that andys family is out of town and he is home alone staying up with friends just chilling alone in the whole house. mine now. i think im running on a lot of adrenaline. i went to bed at 1 last night. got up at 7.17. spent a whole day in the sun chasing after sticky little kids hitting each other with whiffle ball bats. oh, but theres this really cute one named jasper. got kids into carpool. filled up 30 water balloons for camp tomorrow. we are supposed to play water balloon t-ball. my idea, thank you very much. because its 'fun day' at camp or something. its the last day of sports camp. so..therefore were supposed to play with waterballoons. but, seeing as how things have gone, it will rain tomorrow. then we will have nothing to do with all the waterballoons. or the kids. they went fucking crazy last time it rained. oh man, theres this saying in SAT class, 'RTFQ' which stands for 'read the question.' right. oh, and theres this cool (well, from the 4 hours that ive known her) girl in both of my classes. she goes to holton. and she has the coolest voice. not singing voice, just talking voice. its so..distinct. i dunno, i like it. ohh, i know who she sounds like, well, a little like jess liberman, but also like courtney, marias friend. or no, maybe gilly. i forget. but thats ok. man i wish i wasnt going away this weekend. im missing huge dismemberment plan opportunities. and. andys family is out of town. i feel like making movies but i dont feel like sitting at the fucking computer all day. i should really be packing. i got tired of the tape i was listening to in my car, and i found this old tape that i had made prior to spain 2000. it really was pretty good. some, well most of the stuff i still listen to now. there was 'im cool' by rbf. the fast version. i lent that cd to nikki i guess after spain sometime, and i never got it back. it was really pretty good. i guess i could download all the songs, seeing as there are only 5, but it would be much better if i just had the cd. and my stupid 'toast' has been being a bitch for the last few weeks, and i just dont trust the damn thing anymore. oh man i want to know how i did on my finals so so badly. i need to know my grades. we got the scores of our first diagnostics back in class tonite. i got a 1240. thats up 80 points from before. but ive been told, and i could kinda tell, that the diags are easier than the real SATs. oh well. i felt pretty good. that lady, april, whos the director of this class, is a nut. a complete nut. i just cant help but laugh at her whenever she walks into a room. well, its not like i really see her walk into a lot of rooms..but, i mean, the one at the class place..erm, school. oh, you know what would be so good now? a chocolate cup cake. i saw lucy dietch today on my way to return harry potter to the video store. ha. she was drinking this fabulous looking strawberry milkshake from the diner. i talked to her for a little while. shes a pretty cool kid. and she inspired me. i went home and made myself a milkshake. it wasnt quite thick enough, but it was pretty good. and i left the dishes in the sink. and somebody cleaned them up for me. that was really nice. theres this kid at camp named 'caldwell,' who the fuck names their kid 'caldwell'?? he is really really cute, and i bet hell be striking when he gets older, but he is a huge crybaby. and a tattletale. my god. when will my laundry be done. i dont think ill be getting much sleep tonite. the kids at this camp never stop tattling on each other. for every little thing. i cant stand it. were we really like this when we were younger? not caring a thing about what we looked like or what other people thought of us or what we wore or whether we had blue trix yogurt all over our faces. its so weird to think back and think that i was that young once. i remember that sportstar camp with the kiershs' was one of the best times of my life.

they never used to come over for dinner.

my god i miss you sarah.

lets just be 8 again.

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