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June 23, 2002 - 11:14 pm

me: what are you eating?

unknown speaker: corned beef

me: is it good?

unknown speaker: yeah, its exactly what it sounds like, though i dont quite know what animal its from.

that really happened.

but anways..this weekend was truly great. i journeyed to virginia beach with my softball team. i went in thinking that i kinda wanted to quit the team. i wasnt playing infield at all even in practice- or playing that much at all for that matter. i kinda liked the girls on the team, but they kinda seemed like they didnt like me for being the new kid. but now, its all different. the girls are so awesome. like every one is so cool. except maybe krissy, im still kinda scared of her. and i wasnt sure if she was joking when she yelled at me for using her napkin at outback..and kc is so awesome..man..i really want to be friends with these people..mmm, we'll see. but, also, i got to play infield. this makes me unspeakably happy. as we were warming up for our second game, i got to do separate infield practice with the infielders and the coach made me an example. yay. i think the coaches were impressed. but i dont really know. kevin talked to me as we were leaving and said stuff along the lines of ive proved myself to him; ive proved that i can play with the rest. and hes pleased with what im giving to the team defensively. yay. this is what im going for. my hitting still blows, but im definetly getting these new mechanics down. and if i ever get to bat more than once a game i think ill be able to hit.

i had so many ribs today. too many. i think im still full. we ate at 2 this afternoon.

ugh im getting dizzy, im going to sleep.

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