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[the little lepoard print skirt girl]
June 27, 2002 - 1:16 am

you know in movies when the guy and the girl are in a very public place and the guy says all the sappy, lovey stuff to the girl, and they just start kissing. like, in front of everybody. well, id die. i cannot do PDA. i just cant. not to say that i dont want to. i mean, guh, i dunno. i cant even kiss him goodbye in public. sorry. i think im too embarrased in front of people i dont know. especially in front of people i dont know. and i guess in front of people i do know too. oh well. things like this can wait.

oh fuck fuck fuck. i had so much to say and i forget it all.

i really really liked the chase tonite. i really started 'feeling it' near the end. their drummer (andrew- something thats really long) is so so good. they inspired me. i want spoont. to be that 'together' and 'sharp.' i think we're getting there though. i however was not impressed by dead vice prez. yeah, it was a little amuzing, but i guess i just wasnt in the mood. i dont like people who i dont know trying to get me to dance and sing along with their music. i guess i was intimidated. or something stupid. or, i dont know. they were funny. the straitedge thing is a little wierd though. just something ive never really thought about. like, i didnt think teenagers would feel that way. its kinda cool.

i have max levine ensemble stuck in my head. theyre really fun. and they thanked spoont. on their cd. i think i already said that in this journal somewheres in the past.. oh well. im definetly losing my memory.. i really want to put the i heart max levine sticker on my car. but the thing is, i dont really heart max levine. i really like the band. but the real max levine is creepy as shit. and his voice is higher than mine. and hes about an inch shorter. and about 4 years older. (or something). so hopefully people will know what im talking about... it must be cool to have a band named after you.

it seems like im doing so much this summer. but that is in practice. on paper, it sounds like nothing. im 1)playing for the stingrays every week 2) taking an sat class twice a week. thats all thats really in the schedule. but when it comes down to it i have no free time. really. it sucks. all i want to do is lie by the pool (or in the pool rather) and not think about what i have to do the next day. that is all i want to do. and i will do for the first 2 weeks of august. when i will be at the beach. getting tan. and body boarding. and maybe kite- surfing (oooh). and going on justins' jet ski!!!!!!!!! and invading his boat. yay. im pretty psyched.

im tired as a mug.

hah, ive been wanting to use that word all day.


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