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[creepy mccreepout]
July 01, 2002 - 11:26 am

have you ever had a dream so real you think, 'ooh, this is an interesting twist' when you wake up?

** i went out last night exactly like i did in 'real life' and my dad told me to have the car home by 12. so i went to andy's house and did i dont remember. his house was not his real house though. i do remember his cousins being at his house though. but it got late, and i guess i didnt even look at the time. i opened my eyes and found myself in andy's 'guest room.' i looked at my watch (which was different than the one i was wearing in 'real life' last night) and it said around 9:50am. then andys mom came into the 'guest room' where i was sleeping, patted me affectionately, and woke me up (although i had already woken up on my own). to her shock i was not andys cousin (who she thought was sleeping in the room). however she didnt seem mad, just surprised, which was a shocker. i then proceeded to eat some kind of breakfast in this bed- toast with something sweet on it. then i saw andy. he told me his dad was none too pleased that i had slept over. it was at this point where i thought, 'oh my god. its 10 in the morning, i did not gohome last night. i slept over at your house.' 'what the fuck am i going to tell my parents.' we started coming up with excuses, but this was definetly an exreme situation. i guess i decided on telling them that i was at brookes house and had just fallen asleep till the morning. who knows if they wouldve bought it. i looked at the clock and it was 10:06.**

i woke up. i partially opened my eyes and thought, 'oh my god. this makes sense. it was a dream. im not actually in trouble.' but it wasnt like i was relieved, it was like, this is the perfect ending to this dream. i looked at the clock. 10:34am. just about the time i would have gotten home if i had decided to leave andys house.

now im having breakfast- toast with something sweet on it. i had this strange craving..

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