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[ ohhhhhh its too early. well late.]
July 03, 2002 - 2:44 am

Seven things that scare you:

o spiders

o e.t. the fuckin extra terrestrial

o people puppets

o getting lost

o getting caught doing illegal things

obig sweaty men stagediving

o fingernails dangerously close to chalk boards

Seven things you love (in no order):

i have a real problem with saying the word love, so here are

Seven things i really really like (in no order):

o perfect weather

o laughing so hard your stomach hurts

o feeling totally and completely comfortable around my friends

o playing music in front of people. as in, at a concert

o french fries

o being home alone and blasting music in my family room

o andy

Seven things you hate:

o being forced to do things i dont want to

o people honking at me

o mtv/ pop music

o mayonaisse

o i wont say his name...

o ignorant people

o overly modest people

Seven things in your room:

o my awesome bed

o pez

o less than jake concert memoribilia. and signed poster. yay!

o too many old teenage girl magazines

o every card ive ever gotten

o lots of dirty laundry

o the 'secret room'

Seven random facts about you:

o i really want a tatoo but cant think of a good place to put one

o i have a lot of platonic (i swear) crushes on girls

o i played little league baseball from the time i was 4 until i was 13

o ive ridden in a hot air balloon before

o i can understand tv shows in spanish

o if i eat something really sweet i have to have something really salty after it. and vice versa.

o im really really compulsive about my food touching

Seven things you plan to do before you die:

o record a cd

o 'see the world'..uhh i dunno

o sing in front of somebody

o go scuba diving

o go to italy

o get married, have kids, all that jazz. i dont really like thinking about this...

o save the whales

Seven things you can do:

o teach myself to play instruments

o get A's in humanities classes

o recite scary movie 2 from beginning to end

o drive

o swim to the end of my pool without taking a breath

o stay up really late

o eat doritos until i throw up

Seven Things You Can't Do:

o confront people/ bitch people out/ yell at people

o harmonize with people singing next to me

o go shopping with my mom

o sleep past 1pm

o remember the names of cds i want when im in the cd store

o kiss in public

o hit the ball

Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:

o his smile

o huggablility..er..yeah.

o being cute

o styyyle

o engaging eyes

o ability to talk for hours


Top Seven favorite movies (no particular order):

� moulin rouge

� american beauty

� austin powers 2

� pinocchio

� clerks

� scary movie 2

� waynes world

Top Seven things you say the most:

� hey

� dude

� sorry, i cant, i have to go to SAT class/ softball/ salem, virginia

� fuckin

� oh

� i see

� not much

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