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[brooke loves you]
August 02, 2002 - 4:52 pm

this is kinda weird...having alie's journal in my hands...or having a journal at all

but at least it gives me some space to slander alie's good, virginal name

and say mean things about andy kenney, because he sucks, and smells real bad

well its kinda sad when alie goes away, i get a bit bored, but i find new and interesting ways to amuse myself, e.g. buttsex

i'm not usually as grossly sexual as i am on alie's journal, but there is just something about it, a certain power, and so i say dirty things about alie and her whole softball team, and there's a lot to say

well i hope she is having a stupendous(a word that i don't use quite often enough, if i even spelled it right...) time

peace out brotha

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