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[i totally just had my 100th entry. someone buy me a cake.]
August 31, 2002 - 1:31 am

white people should not wear white shoes.

tonite i saw avery, becca, amelia, and emily for the first time this summer. (pretty much). when im around 'that group' ,i guess i would call it, i really really feel different. and i dont think i should. this is going nowhere. amelia is really touchy. she acts like she has a crush on me.


everywhere i go all people want to talk about is college. the good news is jan is going to help me with evvverything. like, my essays and stuff. yay. but. i also came to the harsh realization that everyone in my class is better than me. and theyre going to get into all the schools i want to go to. curse you kids that do well on sats!!

i have this really bad habit of driving on the wrong side of streets that have no dividing line.


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