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[the hell is out]
September 12, 2002 - 11:16 pm

today i had an epic 4 free periods in a row (including lunch). so during this time i managed to do very little. but 4th period i decided it was for the best and i got my physics sheet done. i pressed on and was trying to do my math homework and get things over with. but enter justin, who decides it would be a good idea to play 'alie go out of the lounge and i'll hide all your books and backpack and make fun of you for an hour.' which is really quite a joyous game for all. except me. and sam. because of course during this game i managed to hit sam with a pillow and make him spill coke all over his white shirt. and that's usually the way my games end. so i got nothing done during 4th. well no. im mistaken. i got stuff done if you call ramming justin with a chair stuff.

done AND done.

in anatomy caroline raclin asked me, 'wait, alie, didnt you take this class last year?' what the hell? where am i?

if i were to tell you that there were actually blind softball leagues, would you believe me? i wouldnt believe me either. but there are. during practice tonite we kept hearing this incessant beeping and kept yelling at the coaches to turn their 'damned cellphones off.' yelling really really loudly not knowing that the beeping was actually from the balls and the bases for BLIND SOFTBALL.

it may just be the wierdest, most counter- productive combination of things ever.

and here comes the irony: they were taking a team picture. why would you take a picture of blind people? im not gonna lie to you, they arent gonna see it and think of fond memories of the past. they just arent gonna see it period. im sorry if this is..no wait, i dont care.

(ive decided to stop myself mid- sentence if i ever change my mind)

so can somebody please find me a good prize for the yoohoo prize game. i have a winner cap. right now all im in the running for is some yoohoo grip tape.

in other news, my 'positive youth' pin fell off of my backpack unbeknownst to me. im still positive though. ill probably find it.

there is a box of chocolates sitting in my room and i dont know who to give them to.

coming soon: haircut

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