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[i update because im bored]
September 16, 2002 - 9:27 pm

so i set my alarm for 10.06 i got up at 10.36 i ate and watched road trip then i started my paper whilst watching the craft a very good movie i might add then i did some other stuff probably played the drums alot watched part of this movie called entropy just amazing i didnt see the end so im gonna rent it soon its something andy would enjoy so hey lets watch it sometime around then i ate french bread pizza and drank cold peach iced tea so good did much more work on my paper i got most of it done but the first part is just random ideas put together in no order without much transition but its chill ive got 3rd and 4th as usual to finish it up and also a couple hours tonite before i get really tired but then again i didnt do my physics homework but hopefully that wont take very long and i can just say i didnt get it becuase ms rodgers doesnt teach us anything we just learn for ourselves seriously and hopefully the oberlin meeting will run long so i will miss part of class and just now i stubbed my toe on the lamp in the guest room.

then later i had this conversation with my brother.

me: why are you wearing a glove with no fingers?

him: because it was the only glove i could find

me: i see..

him: why ARENT you wearing a glove?

so typical.

my dad found me a new pin.


everytime i fucking try to do my paper i start reading old journals.

damn the man.

batman (0 so far)

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