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[i needed to get the paradox out of my head.]
September 21, 2002 - 1:02 am

affiliated with: i think that i probably like you more than i do your icon

what a wonderful boyfriend i have.

me and nikki have conquered the fiction vs. reality problem in comp lit. its absolutely crazy. think of a situation where you are looking at your reflection in a mirror. there is one mirror in front of you and one in back. when you look at one mirror, you can see the same reflection reflected back over and over and over again through both mirrors onto infinity.

that doesnt really have to do with the fiction or reality problem but its cool. and also its like...well...part of 100anos de soledad that i wont even get into.

but then. theres a higher power..or could be a higher power..that is looking down upon you looking at this reflection. and your reflection, your hundreds of reflections in these two mirrors are all existing at one single point in time. and to this 'higher power' looking down on you, what to you is your reality, is not really real for him. the life and everything you are living- which is real to you- is totally just fiction to this higher power. the everday experiences that one has can be totally fiction to another person in the room. noone can experience the same moment the same way. its just not possible.

have i lost you yet?

welcome to comparative literature class.

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