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[so i guess i was mistaken..and i only wanted you.]
September 25, 2002 - 9:56 pm

i need to sleep. for a long long time. i need to do so much work tomorrow during 3/4th. just so i can get it done and go to fucking sat class. and its supposed to rain and im not driving out to fucking annandale to have practice be cancelled.

and i feel so fucking bad because on october 26 (or so ive heard) this girl is having a party and spoont. is supposed to play and i have a fucking softball tournament. and i cant miss this one. because every college i want to go to will be there becuase i will have invited them to come watch me play. and ugghhh. i dont really want to go to the go-go anyways, but i will miss homecoming day and its our senior year....grr.

and today. i live for days like today. minimal school. lots of andy. chill. i watched booty call. did no homework. ate at clydes.


and that IS one word.

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