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October 06, 2002 - 11:37 pm

well lots happened today...

ive been up since 6.40 am and i dont care to really discuss much of what happened between then and now.


driving home on georgia ave from tastee diner:

*stopped at red light*
random guy next to me begins rolling down window
i assume he will ask for directions
he says "you look nice""im a musician too"
as cars honk at us because the light has turned green
next red light
"so, do you have a number or something?""are you available to get together?"
i politely decline his oh-so-not-sketchy offer
"well, you look really nice"

hell of a way to pick up chicks there buddy.

and i decided to stay with andy and not go out with him.

there is a monkey flinging poo at the top of my screen.

night kids.

batman (0 so far)

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