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[i dont like it, but i got it]
October 07, 2002 - 4:37 pm

i have a song stuck in my head, but its not really a song. im singing words, or rather, tunes of words, but theyre not actually real.

im wierd.

i havent decided whether or not it is a good idea for me to listen to nine inch nails on the way to school. it is some of the most amazing, beautiful, powerful music ive ever heard.. but it makes me want to beat people up and stomp on things.

in that good kind of way.

i arrived at school today and i felt like i needed to scream. something was wrong. i wasnt really angry at anything, or sad, or annoyed. it just felt like the right thing to do. and naturally i didnt. because i was in public.

but i did wear my 'punisher' pin today, so i think that got the same message across.

things are beautiful. not just 'things' like, 'things that are going on in my life' but actual everything. just look at something. right now. anything. look at how it exists. look at the way the light falls on it. look at texture. color. how things around it blend into each other. how its existing. how its physical. the way it is part of your world. your life.
i think about how lucky i am to exist. to be part of this realm that lets people experience emotions. to interact. to LIVE.
please take advantage of it.

i know what this is...


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