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[letter to ca]
October 13, 2002 - 1:15 pm

oh, and, i wrote this letter. described to me by chloe.

LittleBeez420: (in the best hand writing ever):
"chloe, i already told you this, but there was this girl who pronounced your name cthlo with a 'cht'. daniel knows yiddish and thats the reason he knows the spelling. with debatable is;"
LittleBeez420: (spontaneous arrow pointing to nothing)
LittleBeez420: next page...
LittleBeez420: "so it would be tchlo. ok so' [comma put up in the air] hes right. and this is how you name is spelled. tschlo. and your house ROX. with an x. AEIOU and sometimes x.

LittleBeez420: and then you signed your named and spelled it wrong

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