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October 14, 2002 - 11:46 pm

well. its times like this when i wish i'd done my physics lab due second period.


i fucking totally painted myself into a fucking corner.

a corner of DEATH.

well, not really.

ive just been wanting to use the phrase 'paint myself into a corner'

and another thing ive been wanting to do alot- rent muppet treasure island. it is quite easily the best muppet movie.

OH NO. ITS NOT! muppets in space totally rules. everything.

and im so glad im having this debate with myself right now.

in other news, we wrote a song about agee tonite in practice. its so killer. it sounds so good. my brother enjoyed it.

and speaking of my brother, he made pudding today.

and if thats not funny in itself, i dont know what is.

andrew + pudding= joy!

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