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[so how come all girls think theyre fat?]
October 15, 2002 - 11:44 pm

boy do i ever have the hiccups. this is like the 3rd time today.

yeahhhh boy.

today in math class i readily distracted/ amused myself with the fact that noras initials written on her backpack are NES. as in, the entertainment system. or as i now like to refer to her, Super Nora Entertainment System.

cuz i rock.

im going to see reel big fish tomorrow night. with solely my dad and my brother. it should be quite an interesting event. but whatever, im totally psyched.

tonite me and my dad spray painted my dog green. with hairspray. washable. hairspray. so its totally cool.

but then it came out.

end excellent story #4 of the night.

gooooo school!

goodnight all.
goodnight supernintendo chalmers.
ahhhh like nora.
so i win. =0D


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