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[i miss my softball peoplez]
October 28, 2002 - 11:22 pm

i figured out what im going to be for halloween- myself in middle school. it will be *classic* (because, you know, it actually is...). and also i have negative time to put together anything more creative. so in addition i will probably wear my batman mask and cape from last year. because they're fun.

i was trying to read kafka tonite and i could not keep my eyes open. up until this i didnt think it was possible to actually fall asleep completely sitting up. but it is. and amidst my half- asleep- delerious state i managed to still write notes in my book...which are completely stupid and irrelevant because i was asleep when i wrote them.


and then i fell asleep on my book and it left BOOK MARKS (hah) on my face.

oh, i rule.

batman (0 so far)

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