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[late nights and long hops]
November 18, 2002 - 11:44 pm

you know. im gonna be fine.

in the previous entry of today i was speaking prematurely.

886 out of the 888 things going on in my life are going completely fine.

i am happy.

i am so tired. but thankfully today i didnt have to experience the hellish excersize equipment of death-- aka the elliptical machine- during weight training.

but i still have a lot of laundry to do.

and laundry, now that i think about it, could stand for two things. either 1- real laundry that is eating my floor. or 2- my paper.

cuz its kindof like laundry.

see..this is what happens to me when im tired.

*school ends in 6 days*

*then i turn 17*

*(not on that day)*

*but yeah*

for you, buddy

><(())*> ---peace duder

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