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[i didnt mean to stand you up on our wedding day]
November 21, 2002 - 9:54 pm

for starters, heres kindof the mood of today.

ross. (sorry its so dark..i cant change it now)

nikki complete with maroon vest

bergen and moccasin. this is actually quite the creepy pic of her...(but she doesnt read this so its ok)

and finally. lounge wrestling. by chloe and brooke. i like this shot.

and in other news, tonite was quite the intellectual night for me.


i watched 'stupid behavior caught on tape' on fox. it was thrilling.

and i also realized that if i wanted to, i could wear an entire brown outfit. ive got brown pants and a shirt and brown vans. it would be quite a day. not that its going to happen. i just wanted you to know that i have the option.

ok, again i end with the shower.


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