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[see you in the car]
December 03, 2002 - 11:42 pm

genious idea of last night: finding batman underwear in room
very un-genious idea of last night: wearing said batman underwear for an extended period of time.
this experience forced me to come to the harsh realization that i am no 10 year old boy that can fit into 10 year old boy's batman underwear.
*note: these were not just random, used, batman underwear previously belonging to a small boy. i bought them and forgot about them. im not gross.

and so im officially declaring myself addicted to the internet. im blaming this on the fact that crystal pepsi never got re-invented. damn that was good shit...

in other news, i am totally the queen of physics labs. officially. i completed my last lab at 1.30ish the morning before it was due. i literally could not keep my eyes open and i continued to write this lab, hoping that what i was writing would form coherent thoughts. i got the lab back today and on it was written "excellent analysis" and i got 2 bonus points.. bringing my total to a 46 out of 45. i rule.

mm...i probably had more stuff to say but i forget. for a change.

im going to this 'holiday series of lectures on molecular biology' on thursday and friday at this large medical institute. its supposed to be pretty important and sciency (perhaps) and i get to miss 2 days of school pretty much. when i told people i was going to miss school for science lectures they laughed at me. but its cool guys! i swear!

"my mom thinks im cool"

batman (0 so far)

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