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['wondering' always comes out 'wonderful']
December 05, 2002 - 10:53 pm

so..today i said:
dsqd610: ahh science is hot.

on the exciting side of today i figured out that the science conference is not just for losers anymore! merrick and alex are both attending..and they are two of the coolest people i have met from outside school.

snow is beautiful. i really wish i had gone outside more today. and played. but i did chase my dog around the backyard. i would call that time..unsucessful. at one point i ended up slipping into the splits. and then i realized my dog is fast. and that it was stupid for me to be chasing him.

thats the end.

it is really really hot in my bedroom and yet unbearably cold in this room (which is on a totally separate floor). everytime i sit in here my appendages lose feeling. im going to start leaving winter clothes in here.

yes. perfect.

science conference part deuce tomorrow.


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