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[stu[pid quiz]
December 09, 2002 - 5:45 pm

okay, so i was really bored this morning and eitan wrote this. fill it out. all the COOOL kids are doing it!

What's your favorite album...

to fall asleep to? soul coughing- ruby vroom
to wake up to? vegas records- hey brother can you spare some ska
to listen to in the car? the ataris- anywhere but here/ showoff
to get you pumped up? catch 22- keasby nights/ nin- the downward spiral
to listen to when you're doing homework? billy joel- greatest hits
to listen to when you break up with a boyfriend/girlfriend? saves the day- through being cool
that you never listen to anymore? the dance hall crashers- honey, im homely/ mustard plug- evildoers beware/ the queers
to listen to when you're alone? my superhero- solid state 14
to listen to when you're with your friends? spring heeled jack- songs of suburbia
to play on repeat until the pain goes away? weezer- blue
to cry along with? bright eyes- fevers and mirrors
to make out to? doesnt really matter
to fill an awkward silence? short music for short people :)
when you feel like no one understands you? mxpx- slowly going the way of the buffalo
when you're on top of the world? less than jake- pezcore
to listen to when you want to remember? cinema beer nuts/ punk-o-rama vol. 2/ green day- dookie/ reel big fish- turn the radio off
to listen to when you want to forget? less than jake- borders and boundaries

these were the first answers i could think of...when i think about it more..ill probably change some.

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