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[bottom of the barrel]
December 17, 2002 - 2:27 pm

my entire house smells like paint. i think im getting a fuming from the headache...

in other news, im done with school for the year. my math teacher kept saying that today and it was confusing everyone. ..cuz i mean im done for 2002. three exams, and then woooooooooo. black eyes and 1905 friday. christmas shopping saturday morning/noon and then decemberween festival of delight (as it will now be called). and then there is no plan for the rest of vacation. actually, none of the aforementioned stuff is actually planned except for the decemberween festival of delight of course.

i feel like all i did today was watch movies in the lounge. it was actually really nice. and then i thought it was friday and got a little confused and almost went to the wrong class. but its cool.

i have to go forage for dinner now. my parents are at the mall.

and my nevus is fine. thank you.

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