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[this reflects my personal views only, feel free to form your own opinion]
December 17, 2002 - 11:04 pm

so major part of today i didn't mention/ was trying to block out...we had our choir 'test' day. i was nervous until he announced that we would have to sing scales by ourselves. then i died. half of the 63 person choir was in the room (so yeah, 30 people) and he went up and down the rows making people sing fucking scales by themselves. with everyone watching. i thought i could do it but i couldn't. if i had been made to do it i would have:
a. cried
2. puked
d. all of the above (the second coming before the first probably).
im not even kidding. i actually freaked out. and then i couldnt calm myself down so whatever i did sing came out shitty.

that whole experience makes me never want to sing again... thats how bad i felt while i was in there. i actually felt guilty/ wierd singing alone in my room because of how today made me hate singing.

and then afterwards sam has the nerve to say to amelia (who also had trouble singing alone...and who was wearing a hat..) "must've been the hat today..."

i'm sorry sam, i forgot that everyone isn't in an a cappella group and the musical and constantly singing all the time and fearless and great.

what a fucking jerk.

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