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[dont want to look at the stars with you until you can look at STRANGERS WITH ME!!@##$%]
December 19, 2002 - 1:50 pm

calc exam = swift blow to the face with sledgehammer.
minus a little blood.

yes, im happy to report my exam was not full contact. but it did take 4 hours.

math is not really my cup of tea. im taking the ap only to get me out of math in college. and wait.. i really dont like tea...so that kindof falls to pieces.

but there was apple pie for lunch. mmmmm lunch. i should probably go find more lunch...

i listened to 1905 and rhapsody on my way to school today. i was so pumped i probably even ran to the classroom..and maybe even did a little dance. that was quickly thwarted after spending 2.5 hours on the first half of the exam.

but i am so siked for this weekend. AHHHHHHH^%^#%^*HHHHHHH*&^&^%^%#^%%&(_)(*&^%$.
(that was me being excited).

i go study now.

dunna nunna nunna nunna PHYSICS!

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