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[it was obligatory]
December 21, 2002 - 2:43 am

ok shit.

actually, no. there nothing to say shit about. at all. like, ive probably had the best night in a long time. btu only the night part...the day was pretty suck asss. with exam and all. but it was only 3.5 hours today insead of 4 like math. ok, i havce a real plan for thisentry. im just gonna GO and not look and just see what comes out. it will be fun. and then ill hit random "enterages" and have it go by paragrahs. ok, go!

like the badn. see, i was making a reference because terill was at burge king tonite and her brother is really good freidns with that ban, 'ok, go!' like i just menitoned.

anywas, i went to this show tonite, and it wasw utterly fantastic. the musci was sooo fucking. incredinble. black eyes was more than i ever could havce imagined. sooo god damn good. im most def gaoing ot see them everyiyimter they come here. fuck yeah, dude.

and then there was this band virginia black lung, nad the bassist used to voulnteer at our school. so thats tight. and then they broke up and had good poiltical messages that i knindof liked. itohhhh dudeeee 1905 fucking rocked the shit. their drumms er was sooooo goood and their singer was soo hot (the irl one of course) and she fuckin played piano an dim hoping that i pressed 'return' before this paragraph becouase otherwise it woud be bad.

damn, i shouldnt have included that last bit of information inn what i was writing..'it seems i have no inner monolgue..." ohh and also im not looking at the screen.

haha sweet im 1 for 1 in days of smoking during break. and we only got on break at 4.30 this afternoon. ohh tight.

fickin hotboxed a car for the ifrst time ever tonite.

i almsost have totally nothing to do. college so soon will be done. i actually think oerlin is winning. mat lewis is going there.

and mat lewis can dance.

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