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[stockings are here]
December 30, 2002 - 2:25am

alright, so, i havent had a real entry in a while. and i apologize. mostly to myself. its real odd, i was thinking that with the winter break and all, i would have like, major crucial updatage, but instead i have less interest in the online world. in fact, most of my energy is devoted to kicking my fucking internet habit that sucks butt (which is its full name btw).

yeah so, things have been really busy lately. i have ONE MORE college essay to do and then i can mail all the shit due jan 1st. then i am pretty much done cuz all the essays i have for things due the 1st are similar to essays on the apps due the 15th. so its all good.

ive been thinking alot (and when i say alot i mean a little...i havent had enough time to think alot..) about new years and resolutions and myself and my life and all that good stuff. and when i come to any conclusions, ill be sure to let you know. i think i have some pretty good thinking to do. i'm actually really excited. its actually all i can think about; thinking about the new year. yeah, when i find myself thinking about thinking..i know i'm really avoiding doing something i dont want to.

it feels really nice to go out on a sunday night. it was incredibly awesome to see karly, stef, will, alex, max,colin, meredith, thea, andrew zells..you know, the crew (hah) that are done with their first semester of college!! but yeah, it was quite nice. i went sXe (thats always fun to write) tonite...saving myself up for new years and all its peruvian goodness. mmmm. i think new years could actually be great this year. i'm knocking on incredibly large and plentiful amounts of wood (me and new years have not gotten along too well in the past).

but avast..

i knew it was a good night when mara pinched my butt as she passed by.


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