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[happy coconut land.]
December 31, 2002 - 2:14 am

i told myself i was going to bed early tonite. to prepare for the festivities to come. but alas, here i am. however, i just wrote an incredible story using the phrase 'coconut explosion', so i'm pretty happy. (and i challenge you to do the same).

today i ja ruled my college apps. four in the mail. one finished, waiting to be mailed tomorrow. other three due january 15, 2003. i feel really good. i wrote a damn good essay about mr. erwin and made a damn good collage for vassar. but you know...now tis out of my hands.

and ill i have to do is get higher than ive ever been in my life tomorrow night.

i can probably manage.

but we'll see.

creative new years/ resolution entry coming up soon. i have excellent idea and no time yet.


batman (0 so far)

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