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[if you like banannas say 'ho!"]
January 03, 2003 - 12:14 am

so i just got an email from the womens soccer coach at vassar....too bad i haven't played in approxametely 2 years..otherwise i would definetly jump on that (sports= get into college good). this is the second connection attempt by the vassar soccer coach. being the smart people that they are they must have mistaken my listing of 'softball' for 'i really like soccer and i really want you to write me letters and emails asking for videotapes and my coaches phone number'

no, its chill. i'm not actually mad. its flattering.

speaking of flattering, i got asked to jds prom tonite. yay. i really believe that it is going to be a lot of fun. the group rocks: me + carni, liz + eitan, sadie + jacob, molly + jacob c., and thats probably it. this time last year i would have never expected this to be happening...its really cool. i like things like this. and speaking of last year, i'm still working on 'incredibly long year in review- type- sortof-thing'. it'll be cool. i promise.

right now i'm wearing hot pants. like, these are hot pants

at first glance, yes, i know you're thinking 'she definetly bought those at limited too' but alas, you are wrong. take one guess as to where i got them and i guarantee you are wrong.
oh wait, i heard that last guess..it was right: they're my dad's from high school. yep. he wore these pants all through high school and college. and probably medical school. and he tried them on yesterday and they still fit him. crazy crazy.

right now i'm watching tom greens subway monkey hour and i dont think i've laughed this hard in a very long time. its wonderful.

my brother is funny. i think i'll take him out to breakfast tomorrow.

ok, thats all for me.


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