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[the future is today. worry about it tomorrow]
January 05, 2003 - 11:58 pm

this conversation just happened:

brother(walks into room): what would happen if you had a bottle with..carbonation in it...and you soddered it to your lips and then shook it up so it released gas? would you explode?
me:no, you could breathe through your nose..
brother: well, ok, then if you plugged your nose? would you explode?
me: i guess it would depend on the gas in the bottle..but no. you would just die because you wouldnt get any oxygen
brother: i see
me: why?? what are you gonna do....
brother: goodnight (walks out of the room)

sometimes he's real philosophical like that.

but on another note, its back to school tomorrow. i'm kindof excited a little. well no. i changed my mind. i'm not excited. the only thing i get from going back to school is my stupid grades on my stupid exams and closer to the next vacation. and softball season. which is tight as shit.

speaking of that..i have softball practice on saturday night at 6:15pm!!! softball!! i complain but i'm actually really excited. i think any unhappiness that i am experiencing right now has to do with the fact that i haven't played softball in 2 months.

and i'm honestly making an incredible effort to put apostrophi in my conjunctions. (apostrophi being the plural of apostrophe of course).

hrm yeah. and i also didn't do any of the scheduled events i planned for myself yesterday. time can be my best friend or my best enemy. usually its both at the same time because procrastination is just that.

oh and did i mention that i've seen lord of the rings 1 4 times since i first saw it on friday? nope. i didn't mention that. until just then. sorry. it was a silly question. which was hypothetical. and i answered it. ok! i'm good at staying on subject..i promise. um yeah, so i watched it once on friday on an incredibly hot date with liz and tina and sarah (aka twatc) which was great. i am proud to say i only fell asleep once for 5 minutes. and i didn't cry. not even once! and then on saturday we were recording at jason's house and he had it playing (basically on 'repeat'- if there is such a dvd setting) for the entire time we were there. so it played thrice. making my grand total of the weekend 4 times. and i actually did like it. it just took a while to sink in. and i dont think i can sit through the next one. its just toooooo longgggg.

alright, time to bed it up.


hey look i'm talking all public school stizzyle.


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