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[just for one day]
January 12, 2003 - 5:56 pm

so sometime last night, between the hours of 12 and 3am, i decided it would be a real good idea to write in my journal. (my real journal) in my room. in the dark. i also decided to drive myself home from dupont. i also decided to talk to andy. i made all these beautifully wonderful decisions because i was high out of my mind.

then i ate half a loaf of pumkin bread.

and i havent yet gone back to read the journal entry. if its not too revealing ill share. i dont remember most of whats in it. i also couldn't see (resulto del darkness) so its probably just two pages of writing piled on one line.

i took off the rubber bands that i've had on since august. they didn't break but rather just lost all their elasticage and got caught in all my sleeves. i feel kindof empty without them. but i'll live. maybe.

i went to a party with jen last night. the party itself was kinda lame..but thats just because i dont like to 'shake it' in front of 300 total strangers and because picture keychains cost 12 dollars. but whatever, just spending time with her is really awesome. JEN awesome. hahah ok..nobody gets that...


so it turns out that i will be having softball practice every saturday night at 6:15. i sure was worried.. softball hasn't ruined anything for me lately. i was beginning to feel lost.

i'm officially declaring my senior slump open.....


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