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[stuck at the age of 18]
January 21, 2003 - 11:09 pm

i just comitted myself to not playing club softball this spring. it feels really weird. and final. and scary. but i think its for the best. when i look back and see everything that softball has ruined-ill be pretty happy. and then i'll miss funny people and i'll be sad. but then ill get over it and graduate from high school. wooT!

school today wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. we had strawberries at lunch though...and its not nearly strawberry season. they were kinda gross. and speaking of which, ISW in 3 weekssssss!! well 2 weeks and 3 days. then i 'get my sing on' in compton. seriously. we're going to compton. its tight. dot com.

and i managed (barely) to complete all the activites on my afternoon agenda. the long list (in case you forget) included eating pie.

and thats all.

but mmmm boy.

batman (0 so far)

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