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[ill see YOU in la]
January 22, 2003 - 3:49 pm

i definetly don't like this funk i'm in. all i've been doing lately is..not schoolwork and watching bad fox tv shows. i feel..tired, worn out, just kinda... dull. something needs to happen....and well, if i knew what that was i wouldnt be writing. sweet!

ehh..maybe i should start doing schoolwork. or maybe i should just go to college. right now. i'd be able to do what i want (as in- take classes that interest me) and it would just be so damn liberating. because right now, i'm just about ready to give up on school. my dad says as soon as i get into a college i want to go to, i can stop working. so... great! i only have to wait till april 1st! thats like 8 months away! woooo.

alright alright. enough of that. softball season starts in one month and three days. but i'm not counting or anything...

i wore copious amounts of clothing today. including a 'life vest' and a winter hat. it was alllll good. then i went to chipotle because there was 'jambalaya' for lunch. and then andy gave me a starbucks card as part of the copious amount of money he owes me.

i like 'copious.' its like 'plutonium'. i like to say, 'plutonium'. how's your plutonium?

signing off for now.


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