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[ok, its all normal to the hero]
January 30, 2003 - 10:03 am

oh great one, i have been neglecting you lately. and when i say neglecting i really mean just not updating every few hours..or something like that.

it is getting oh so close to friday. which means FUN. and music. and BRANCHED OUT. ha_ha.

i just got a 90 on my physics test. that was pretty nice. i seem to dread school only when im not in school. because really, the school day for me mostly consists of being on the internet.

actually, i lied.

that is not remotely true. i spend most of my school days sitting in the lounge holding some school work/ book/etc and kidding myself into thinking that i'm being productive. its really a great thing.

SiKE, im ag.

no, but, its cool.

we had our 'senior/parent separation' workshop last night. we were at school from 6:50pm to 10:00pm. most of the time was crap, but at the end there was time for 'confessions'- basically each parent and senior writes down one thing they want to share with their parent/child (and the rest of the group) anonymously. some of the confessions (just to give you a little taste...which is always fun..)
"the noise you hear at 3am from the basement is not HBO"
"the first time i smoked up it was in our backyard"
"i kissed mary on friday and jane on saturday"
"i am drunk right now"
"i have been seriously in love for over a year.."
and so on.

mr king finally had to just take a whole stack out of the confessions and say: "alright, so a LOT of people get high and are not virgins"- then he moved on.

chloes said:"the first time i smoked pot it was yours"

my parents come up to me after the meeting:
dad: so i liked the one about the pot..
me: haha yeah?
mom: so was it yours?
me: i dunno dad? WAS IT MINE?

then he laughed and changed the subject. and it wasnt mine. he is so caught.


thats all.

i REALLLLLLLY need to be doing work. once tomorrow comes i will have no time. and i taped that 70s show and american idol last night....there is so much to catch up on.

batman (0 so far)

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