. . SPOONT. - COBALT (oberlin band cuteness) - ALL ABOUT HER - guestbook dude! - random facts (pt. 1) - (pt. 2) - de email eh?
February 02, 2003 - 1:56 am

hmm. interesting.

if you're reading this...and you found it through a livejournal...chances are it was a mistake. few people know about this thing...so ive probably written about them. and maybe even you.

so if it was something negative or embarrasing or something that made you angry...

too fucking bad.
its my journal.
go away.

but i meant that with love.

and actually..whatever, read it if you want..its on the fucking internet.

i didn't mean to sound mean. i am not a mean person.

im just tired.

and my amazing weekend is still continuing.

check the LJ for the pictures.

actually, no, ill just post them later.

as part of the "this weekend smorgasboard journal entry" that will come eventually.

batman (0 so far)

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