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[you, you work all day]
February 05, 2003 - 9:37 pm

we started peeling our rats today.

i thought i'd begin with that because i really enjoy saying that phrase. over and over again. it just doesnt get old. and i even wrote a song about it that i like to sing whilst actually peeling the rat. it goes: "peelin' the rat, peelin' the rat..." and so forth. its actually quite good.

we got our softball sweatshirts today. soooo exciting. sooo comfy. sooo hardcore. they say "go yard." in large letters on the front. and it really angers me how many people dont know what that phrase means. like, what the fuck, dont you watch baseball? jerks.

i'm just kidding. you're not jerks. i just got a little caught up in the amazingness of the sweatshirt....it goes to my head.....sorry....pictures soon. or..picture. i'm running out of hosting space.

and somebody has been stealing my disney videos. this is not even a laughing matter because i really want them back. everytime i say, 'hmmm...i could REALLLLY go for some cinderella right now' i go look downstairs and its not there. and then a few days later subsitute 'pocahontas 6' for 'cinderella' and it wont be there either. ok, i lied. i dont actually own pocahontas 6. but a girl can dream, right?

ok ok SORRY. BACK TO THE ISSUE AT HAND. THEIF: IF YOU ARE LISTENING (and i'm betting largely that you are) GIVE ME BACK MY JUNGLE BOOK AND MY CINDERELLA. AND LITTLE MERMAID AND ALICE IN WONDERLAND. AND PINOCCHIO. damn, this really is a problem. that sux0rz. i'm doomed.

i actually feel rather jaded. or maybe i just dont know what to feel anymore. its all becoming a blur. i need excitement. like, more excitement. because things really have been exciting lately. every day i talk to a new person. literally. every day someone i've recently met instant messamagesss me (wooo. go internet!) and off we go. its crazy. but i love it. and its led to some pretty great things. but still theres something...missing. i dont even think its that whole boyfriend thing. its just...i need different. i need to prove to myself that i am changed. be daring. thats it. i need to dare myself. challenge myself. i did it with that submitting to lit arts thing. and it worked out unimaginably well. so from recent experience audacity (in the good way)= happy + confidence + rock

that is my math equation for the night.

i almost confessed some things i never had before in my life tonite. almost. it wasnt even clear if the other person understood.

once, again, and forever i curse the internet.

batman (0 so far)

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