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[music. rocks.]
February 08, 2003 - 2:08 pm

i'm going to try to explain what i feel right now.

i went to the black cat last night. i had some kind of strange, heavenly, amazing experience. though it wasnt heavenly because i dont think i'm into that sort of thing. i was even totally hyped and excited on the way there. i spent the first part of the day with lauren and shira and anne and liz and danni(?). and laughing alot. it was great. ok, then show. i felt fiercely independent driving there and not getting lost and knowing that i didnt have to be home until i wanted to be home. met andy and didn't have to wait in the long, cold line. found sweet people (carni, jason, and peter) and it begun. the first band was 'et at it' and i was blown away #1. they were two guitarists and a bass player- and were basically "black eyes ^-1(to the negative 1) (the inverse)" it was rhythmic and wonderful and i enjoyed it quite alot. then black eyes. black eyes is better than any drug i have ever done or will ever do. theyre just that good. and that powerful. and that influential. and you should really see them sometime. the rapture just caught me. something about them...i couldnt break away. the singers voice just completely drew me in. andy peter and carni left at 12ish but i couldnt leave their set. i stayed the enitre time. until 1. i bought their cd and listened to it in the shower today. and it got me in �he same inspirational, beautiful mood that i was in last night.

i guess i'm not great at expressing it in words...but the night was the epitome of what music should be. it was the way i define beauty in the world. love is too shallow a word to describe an experience like that.

and speaking of things that make me smile....
JamesFails: alie is my favorite sock in my drawer
JamesFails: oh wait no
JamesFails: it goes
JamesFails: you rock my socks

batman (0 so far)

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