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[camera still lost and coccoa cereal gone]
February 17, 2003 - 11:27 am

we are currently trapped inside the house. almost. we can get outside in the backyard because those are sliding doors...but we cant get the front door or any of the back gates open (because they SWINGGGG). wooooooo. but it was really nice to wake up to millions of feet of snow. approxametly (i really wish i knew how to spell that. but i just cant figure it out).

i hope this works. because you know how tight it is? [___________________this tight____________________]

oh yeah, and yesterday, i made the worlds best non-blender milkshake. it was vanilla. and i stood drinking it and i looked out the window and i thought, "this sure is a lot of white." BECAUSE IT WAS SNOWY. HA HA I'M SO COOL. O.M.G. GUYS. and then mary's dog threw up on my foot.

well, that was later. but still. and then i had to wear mismatched socks.


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