. . SPOONT. - COBALT (oberlin band cuteness) - ALL ABOUT HER - guestbook dude! - random facts (pt. 1) - (pt. 2) - de email eh?
[you are so. beautiful.]
February 23, 2003 - 4:20pm

whenver i write something about promising to write about something in the future, it means i'm never going to do it. so in conclusion...that sentence made no sense.

anyhoo, my weekend was real fun. i kindof wish there was more/better music involved however. tmle was good...but not as exciting as i've seen them before. then 1905 canceled. the biggest musical highlight was the chamber choir performance featuring spoont. : hot crustacean band.

my feet were starting to fall asleep in the computer room so now i'm using the laptop. just thought you should know.

weekends like this remind me of how much i've changed over the past year. i can't really elaborate because i can't even describe it. well, i'm gonna stop there.

i'm watching john q. i can't remember if i have homework or not. i finished my death journal on friday so that (by unwritten law) gives me time off from homework. i made that law up. i think its fun.

alright, i think not anymore.

hey kiddo, i think the cat ran away.

batman (0 so far)

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