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[disclaimer of the season.]
February 25, 2003 - 10:50 am

i think my life is about to change very very dramatically. i just ate a banana.

ok!!! this is big news people!. i didnt choke or vomit. i actually may have enjoyed it. what will happen next??? lime chips??! (just note the first paragraph. the rest is pre-mod alie. or something. it was a long time ago. almost a year in fact. i should really stop including so much relevant information in parentheses).

i couldn't get on the internet all of yesterday. the cable company shut off our internet and cable (duh) because apparently we owe them money. and then our basement is still flooded and it smells like woah and my drums are crowded into the corner of my living room (ill take a picture) so i cant really play them because my parents are always there and they get offended by loud noises. so i was extremely frustrated.

in other news i should be
a) moving my car
2) doing my math homework
d) meeting with my physics teacher

i choose the alternate. which would be pretending that i am doing important self-bettering activities. like making up words such as 'self-bettering'. as well as that... i seem to be making adequate time to ignore the fact that i have to do 2 entire chapters of math homework by next week.


this year: i am going to be captain. i'm not being arrogant or anything like that, it's more that i'm setting that goal for myself. this summer/ fall of softball has changed me so much. i am so dedicated and so enthusiastic and i just...uuuuhhnnnhnnnnadkjhfg...want to do it so badly. and seriously, chloe has had enough. she is varsity captain of everything and has been outdoing me for 5 years. its my turn. this is my season. i know i said it last year but i really mean it now. because its the end. i am going so hard. life and limb for this team. we are winning the league. we are winning the banner. it starts at 4:45 today.

so you all better CHECK IT.

sike, i'm a gangsta.


batman (0 so far)

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