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[so am i still waiting for sum 41 to be soooo good. actually i'm being sarcastic. for a change.]
February 26, 2003 - 10:43 am

operation: make mentos soft so alie is happy= COMPLETE

last nights mento unhappiness is no longer in existance. which means, i am happy. softball practice is canceled today because they want people getting the F outta here before our cars get stuck again.

for andy, the seniors on the softball team (aka, running for captain): me, angel, chloe, andrea, keta, nellie, allie g, katie g. AHHHH. its ok its ok. i go good. and actually, i'm nowhere near as sore as i projected...i guess i'm in better shape than i thought. which is cool. and. i'm gonna stop talking now.

i'm about to marry homestarrunner.

its dot com.

ugh. physics test tomorrow. ugh. comp lit paper this weekend. ugh. snow.

batman (0 so far)

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