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[i can derelict my own.....yeah]
March 08, 2003 - 6:56 pm

i wrote that last entry and then i realized i had more to say. always.

i'm sitting outside right now on my beautiful new deck. well, its half my beautful new deck. not quite finished yet. but the wood is so clean and smooth and pretty. ANYWAYS. the weather is so damn nice. my foldy chair is positioned directly underneath the moon. the stars arent really out yet, but the night will be beautiful anyways.

spring is almost here. today and all days like it remind me of how beautiful spring is and why i love it so much. i love the smell of softball season. dry dirt. hard rubber. the feeling of that perfect day when you can wear sweatpants and short sleeves and just feel so comfortable because you love what you're doing. i have great feelings about these next coming months. there is just absolutely so much to look forward to that i cant even think about it. its not quite time for that.

today has just been a series of one beautiful event after another. i got 9.5 hours of sleep. i picked brooke up and we went and redeemed our free drink coupons at caribou coffee. we drove with the windows down. they give HUGE free drinks. we went and met sam at barnes and noble to plan for europe. the whole thing just made me feel really excited. it will be beautful. i do have my problems with sam, yes, but i think we will have a lot of fun. we have this weird brooke connection...i dont understand it alot, but its like we really try so hard to like each other because we like brooke so much. there was one point this summer at the beach where we had this really awesome car ride together, and we both told brooke about it because we were excited about being on friendly terms. anyways, back to the day. we got all these maps and travel books and picked up the gay guide to amsterdam and sat at BN and just went over possible routes. listen: amsterdam, france, switzerland, italy, smile. hott. we walked to baja fresh to get some fresh mexicanified lunch. sam was wearing shorts and brooke was wearing short sleeves. we passed 'adopt a pet day' at the dog bakery and after lunch brooke and i went into the trailer and looked at all these cute cats to adopt. i really like cats. the only reason i say i hate them is that i'm allergic and i secretly want one. like allie's travis. man...if i only had friends like that. and there was a really big bunny.

we drove home with the windows down and listened to losing streak. brooke washed my windows at the gas station. i came home and cleaned up my room and took a shower and listened to oar. i love the way wet hair feels drying in the softtt breeze. awww.

then ian called me from his bathroom and i took the dogs for a walk around the hood and my brother built an igloo/tunnel adventure in my backyard and i'm sitting there listening to some creature rustling in the trees near half the unmade deck.

that is all.

ross told me he liked my poem from lit arts. thats good to hear. i like what ross likes. he's a good guy. he understands how to fathom about the world and we can both go crazy after comp lit everyday and just know that someday we will both turn out happy. i wish i knew him better. i wish i knew a lot of people better.

its probably just because i'm nosy. (nosey?) (i dont really know).

my parents went to go see that movie with queen latifah. so i'm sitting here and its completely quiet. just me and the wind, the rustling, the almost silent sirens from miles away, and my deck. my half made beautiful deck.

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